Keeping Carpets Clean


Carpets can collect up to their own weight in soil before visibly showing the dirt.  Cleaning carpets on a regular schedule using the Hot Water Extraction method, preferred by manufacturers, can maintain your warranty and keep your carpets looking great.

“About 60 percent of homeowners never have their carpets professionally cleaned, which can void their carpet manufacturers warranty,” says John Mapes, President of the Ecosteam Corporation, a carpet and upholstery IICRC certified cleaning firm.  Because 95 percent of carpet warranty claims are related to improper maintenance, all of the major manufacturers require regular carpet cleaning for their warranties to remain in force.  Although the exact time requirements vary somewhat, most require a cleaning every twelve to twenty-four months by a certified carpet cleaner using industry approved products, equipment and certified technicians. ‘Hot Water Extraction’ is now the manufacturers’ preferred method for best results.

A Case For Carpet Cleaning

“From my perspective, given the fact that this is typically the 3rd largest investment that a homeowner makes, protecting the warranty is not the only reason to have regular cleanings,” says Mapes. “Carpets were developed to perform multiple functions which necessitate cleaning. The original function of a carpet was to filter dirt, add warmth, muffle sound and contribute to each individual’s home design elements.”

Regular cleaning is important because carpets can actually hold their own weight in dirt before soiling even becomes visible. The result is your carpet can hold allergens and other contaminants that can affect your family’s health.  Carpets trap it all, and like any filter they need to be cleaned. If you’ve ever replaced carpet you’ll remember the dirt and soil that was underneath the carpet and padding, not to mention how heavy the carpet was when it was being removed. It was just doing its job”.

The More Things Change…

It’s safe to say that the more things have changed, the more they have stayed the same. While synthetic or engineered fibers are used in the vast majority of the carpets manufactured today, the benefits are the same:

? Contribute to home décor
? Create warmth in a room
? Muffle sound
? Insulation from the floor below
? Act as a filter

Improvements In Technology

One thing that has changed, however, is the longevity of today’s modern day carpets.  With advancements in new fibers and advanced manufacturing techniques, proper and regular cleaning will keep your carpet performing as intended and looking its best.
“Cleaning technology has now equaled the technology used to manufacture today’s carpets,” says Mapes. “For homeowners, it’s a great place to be…products that last longer and the ability to maintain them so they look great throughout their extended life span.  We have seen firsthand how proper maintenance can revitalize the look of a carpet and how long a well cared for carpet can last if you want it to.”





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