Hidden Dangers In Chimneys

Gaps Between Flue Tiles - A chimney’s purpose is to safely vent hazardous flue gases (from the combustion process) from your home that can contain creosote/soot, carbon monoxide and corrosive chemicals. Flue tiles are typically sealed with mortar to keep these gases within the flue. But over time, the mixture of heat, moisture and chemicals will erode the mortar, leaving gaps or voids between flue tiles.

Cracked Flue Tiles - Flue tiles can crack due to “sudden occurrences” such as a previous chimney fire, lightning strike, or seismic event. Cracks may also be caused by poor workmanship or the ongoing settling of your home.

Flaking Flue Tiles (Spalling) - Years of exposure to corrosive chemicals and moisture from combustion can attack clay flue tiles, causing pieces of the flue liner to flake off or delaminate, a process called spalling.

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