It's Only Natural

“The Green trend that we are experiencing now is complex and simple all at once.”  Barb Murphy, President of Finish-It!

“In construction, materials and appliances, technology and techniques are providing more savings and better performance than ever. In our field, furniture, the KISS method is more appropriate.   Keep it simple, is the watchword.  More than 95% of the products we sell are real wood. In addition a large percentage of our furniture is manufactured in the U.S., using domestic woods and craftsmanship,” Murphy adds.

Furniture is taken for granted or, in most cases, not considered in the Green equation because of benign neglect. When the discussion of Green come up, consumers think of products that grab headlines such as hybrid cars, energy star appliances and windows or window treatments that boast higher R values than ever before.  Telling someone that you have a solid wood table will rarely receive more than an unenthusiastic nod, if not a yawn.

Racing Back Toward The Future

The plethora of quick to assemble furniture made of particle board, glue and plastic is perceived as inexpensive, quick and of acceptable quality for many.  The truth is, nothing makes a true Green convert shudder like the thought of all of the particle board furniture eventually destined to be deposited in a landfill.

“The sturdy table, chairs and cabinets your Grandparents had, and most likely passed down to someone in your family, were Green before being Green was in vogue,” assesses Murphy.  “In today’s world, the real choice consumers are making is  between heirloom quality vs. landfill quality.  The particle board furniture, sooner or later, will be in the landfill. Get it wet, try to move it, and it will self destruct. Real wood on the other hand will survive and can truly be used from generation to generation.”

One thing that is clear, because of today’s green criteria, furniture receives more scrutiny than Grandma’s table was EVER given. 

“Being Green is a lifestyle, a value system,” says Murphy.“While some see it as a marketing tactic,  it boils down to the consumer making choices consistent with being good stewards of the Earth.  Our product line reflects that ideal, as well as commitment to high quality. Sustainable wood species, construction and shipping are the keys to being Green in our industry.”

“Then again, our product line reflects the choices we’ve been making for years. Now we have an opportunity to make  it available to our customer base.We enjoy filling that role,”Murphy smiles. “It’s only natural…”

There are definitely twists that affect how you judge a contemporary green product.
For example:
? The wood used should originate from a sustainable forest
? The closer the wood that’s harvested is to its destination, the better.
? The construction and design must be sturdy.  Screws, tight joints and other appropriate hardware are better than using glue.
? If glue is used, make sure it is water based glue.
? In the same vein, stain and finishes should also be water based.

In addition to using solid wood pieces, Green built products also tend to use joints which take advantage of the inherent strength of wood.

Using screws or minimal amounts of water based glue (or both), Green furniture is solid and sustainable – a piece each generation can enjoy.

Wood … Real Wood? What’s the Difference?!  Real Wood Furniture Finished Your Way® guarantees absolutely no particle board in the manufacturing of its products. It promises more solidly-constructed pieces of furniture.

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