What Is Green?

Green can mean different things to different people. However, as Green relates to remodeling and building in general, it focuses on increasing a building’s efficiency in terms of their locations, use and harvest of energy, water and materials, and reducing the building’s impact on human health and the environment.  The combination of selecting a better site (location) and improving the design, construction, operation maintenance and impact of removal will save money and reduce inefficient materials and practices. Green building and remodeling take into account the complete building lifecycle.

Green builders often try to achieve both ecological and aesthetic harmony between a structure and the surrounding environment, including natural and existing buildings or structures. The visual appearance and style of sustainable structures can be nearly indistinguishable from less sustainable buildings. In other words, those committed to Green principles do not have to accept less aesthetically when attaining a better relationship with their natural environment.

Characteristics/Benefits of Green Building  (also known as sustainable or environmental building with slight differences in definitions), include:

? Reduced Operating Costs because of more efficient use of energy and water
? Improved indoor air quality
? Reduced environmental impacts — such as reducing storm water runoff & minimizing the heat island effect.

Integrating Green Into Your Home

Green remodeling is often discussed in aggregate, annual savings, redesigning your landscaping, etc. But the transition to green is as much a state of mind as it is a particular project and how it is planned. “Green” can be accomplished in small ways and doesn’t have to include an entire home. There are a myriad of smaller steps that will put you on the green track.  A large number of smaller decisions can create a significant cumulative outcome.  Below is a small list of ideas to get you on  your way (there are many more).

Maintenance Activities

? Non-toxic paints and sealants
? Recycled material roof shingles and tiles
? Local building materials


? Programmable thermostats
? Energy efficient appliances
? Energy efficient lighting
? Tankless water heaters
? Insulated hot water pipes


? Natural flooring
? Natural fiber rugs and fabrics
? Quality insulation
? Native plants for landscaping


Green remodeling proves to be very beneficial for homeowners. Below are a few of the areas homeowners can be winners:

? Reduces operating costs in the home by increasing efficiency (Homeowners who choose to remodel green can lower their energy consumption by 30–50%)
? Conserves natural resources
? Increases the value of the home
? Improves indoor air quality and in turn, overall health (More than 15 million Americans are estimated to have asthma, including 1 in 13 school-age children, and more than 28 million Americans suffer from hay fever and other allergies, all of which are aggravated by poor indoor air quality)
? Reduces waste
? Reduces emissions costs
? Increases productivity of occupants
? Improves quality of life (US EPA ranks indoor air pollution among top five environmental risks.  Unhealthy air is found in up to 30% of new and renovated buildings)

Editors Note:  According to the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), approximately one million homes per year undergo a major renovation or remodeling.  Assuming an increasing number of those projects have green components,  imagine the additional impact of the millions of homeowners making small decisions daily that can contribute to increased conservation efforts, better living environments and reduced energy costs.


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