Evolution: The Era In Which Your Home Was Built Matters When You Remodel


A before and after of an old house we remodeled in 2006.  The project walls were removed and an island installed to create the new open look and feel. This house was recently featured on the Tour of Remodeled Homes on June 3rd.

“Remodeling any home requires a sensible plan and awareness of the scope of the job,” says Chad Speight, President of Chad’s Carpentry.  “And, the scope of the job can include a wide variety of circumstances depending on the age of the home.”

“Each era of home has unique design, material and mechanical characteristics to be accommodated.  With an older home, this can affect demolition, the design, materials and how the new addition is actually built. Often there are specific aesthetic requirements to be considered, affecting your  planning process.  All of this can affect the budget.”

“We have found that many older homes we have worked on require the ability to interpret the method of construction used. Older homes just have less consistency in the manner in which they were built because codes were not as numerous or as specific as they are now,” observes Speight.

“It really becomes an art.  When combined with new materials and methods, executing a plan takes skill and appreciation for the original structure.  Newer homes, because of standardized building practices and very specific codes, offer fewer surprises.”  Home building has been evolving since the beginning of time. Generally, however, we have to concern ourselves with only the last 100 years.  Each era has its own ‘charms.’  Anything older than sixty years has many variables based on individual builder tendencies.

“No matter the age of a home, a remodeling project is an investment for the homeowner. The criteria for each project remain the same.  They include durability, energy efficiency and having a positive impact on the day to day living of the homeowner.  We want the investment to be good, adding value to the home and quality to daily living.”  Chad Speight, President of Chad’s Carpentry.

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